The third Angel's Message
This woman (church) is also called, “Mystery, Babylon the great, and the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.” (verse5) these verses refer to the Church of Rome which controls the beast. The beast (verse11) that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven in the prophetic history of the beast under the papacy. The papacy was in control until the year 1798 when the pope was taken prisoner by the French army and his deadly wound was healed in the year 1929, when Italy’s Mussolini restored his dominion over the Vatican City. (See Revelation 13:3)
When life is given to this image, the beast will cause as many as would not worship this power of Satan to be killed (verse15) and no man will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. What is that mark? Revelation14:9, calls it his mark or the devil’s mark for he is the power behind all this. In verse 11, it is called the mark of his name. Revelation13:16-17. Also says the mark of the name and the number of his name, which verse 18 says is 666. The mark we well know, also the name and the number when the time comes, because Revelation 20; 4 shows us the children of God did not receive his mark. God’s servants have the seal of God we read in Revelation7:3, 9 and 14. This seal is the father’s name (Revelation14:1 and Revelation 22:4). This was promised in Revelation 3:12.
This is the third angel’s message that is warning to the whole world. Warning us not to worship the beast and his image and not receive his mark (Revelation 14:9-12), for God hath judged the great whore (Revelation19:2) and when Christ comes as “King of Kings, and lord of lords” verse 16, against the beast, the kings and their armies (verse19), “the beast was taken and with him the false prophet, that wrought miracles before him, with which he had deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image were cast into the lake of fire.” (verse20) But the righteous who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark lived and reined with Christ a thousand years (Revelation20:4).
Remember Revelation1:1-3, “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of the prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein; for the time is at hand.”
Come out of her my people!!!!
Who is the beast of Revelation 17:11, “that was and is not”? Who is the beast of Revelation 13:11, “he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as dragon”? These are warning messages from God concerning the last days. In Matthew 24:1-4, Jesus and his disciples looked upon the buildings of the temple and he told them of the destruction of the temple, the asked him, “What shall be the sign of they coming, and of the end of the world”? Jesus answered, “Take heed that no man deceive you”. Also in verse 11, he told them “many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many” and Paul wrote this same thing to Timothy in I Timothy 4:1, “ in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits (false prophets) and doctrine of devils.”
In answer to their question about the end of the world, in Matthew 24:36, he told them, “ of that day and hour knoweth no ma, not even the angels, but my father only.” However, he said to them in the 44th verse, “be ye also ready” for that hour in Matthew 25:1-3, he speaks of those who are ready and those who are not and verse 10 says, “they that were ready went in with him and the door was shut.” They that were not ready did not get in and so verse 13 tells us to watch for all the signs of things to come to pass. Well, you are ready because of I Thessalonians 5:1-6. If we study our bible as God tells us to in II Timothy 2:15, we know the times and seasons are not asleep, but are watching, then we are ready and doing the job given unto us as in Matthew 24:45-46, giving them meat in due season message.
“Come out of Her My People”
What is the meat in due season message? It is the warning message for the last days in Revelation 14:9-12, “if any man worships the beast and his image, the same shall drink of the wrath of God.” This is God’s word to his saints so we must know about the beast and his image. We know that in Daniel’s prophecy there were four beasts and Daniel 7:17 says, “These great beasts are kings” or kingdoms. The vision Daniel had is in Daniel 7:2-8, “the first was like a lion, a second was like a bear, the third like a leopard and the fourth was dreadful and terrible and had 10 horns.”

Now we have four kingdoms to rule over the earth and because Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, had a dream in Daniel 2:31-36 and unto Daniel was given, by the God in heaven, the interpretation found in verses 37-45, we have the first kingdom of Babylon, the second kingdom of Media Persia as we read in Daniel 8:20, the third kingdom of Greece in Daniel 8:21 and the fourth kingdom of Rome as all the history books bear witness. The fifth or last kingdom will be the coming of the Lord to set-up to set-up His rule over the earth and will be the everlasting kingdom shown in Daniel 7:27. Now remember, the fourth beast had 10 horns or kings in Daniel 7:8 and 20, but another horn came up and destroyed three of the original 10, “plucked up by the roots” and this king had eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things, verse8, and what he would speak was “great things against the most high,” against God; “and would think to change times and laws” or the law of God, verse 25. this power would be the enemy of the saints of god and would war( by false doctrine) with the saints, from the day it came to power by destroying the tree kings until the saints are gathered into the kingdom of Christ at His coming. See verse 21 and 22.

This power or horn which came up was the papacy in Rome. There were ten kingdoms in the latter days of the Roman Empire and three were destroyed when the papacy came to power in verses 23 and 24, and certainly fulfilled verse 25, changing times and laws. It corrupted the Sabbath of God with Sunday worship, changed the birth of Christ to Christmas, changed the only sign given (three days and three nights in the grave) of the death and resurrection of Christ to Easter worship, corrupted the forgiveness of sins by Christ with priests, claimed the Pope as representative of Christ and can do these things, and corrupted the nations with wealth and power.
If we read Revelation 13:1-8, we find references to the same beast, the lion, bear, leopard and the beast with seven heads and ten horns. Also we read, “The dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” (verse3) The entire world worshiped the dragon and the beast (verse7 and 8). This dragon is the devil (see Revelation 20:2). This beast upon his head was the name of blasphemy (Revelation 13:1)
“blasphemed against God, and made war with the saints.” (Verse 6 and 7)
In Revelation 17:3, we read that a woman (church) sat upon this beast with seven heads and ten horns and “was drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus”. (verse6) God spoke of her as “the great whore that sitteth upon many waters (verse1) and verse15 tells us that waters are people and nations.
Who is the beast of Revelation 17:11, “that was and is not”? Who is the beast of Revelation 13:11, “he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as dragon”? These are warning messages from God concerning the last days. In Matthew 24:1-4, Jesus and his disciples looked upon the buildings of the temple and he told them of the destruction of the temple, the asked him, “What shall be the sign of they coming, and of the end of the world”? Jesus answered, “Take heed that no man deceive you”. Also in verse 11, he told them “many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many” and Paul wrote this same thing to Timothy in I Timothy 4:1, “ in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits (false prophets) and doctrine of devils.”
In answer to their question about the end of the world, in Matthew 24:36, he told them, “ of that day and hour knoweth no ma, not even the angels, but my father only.” However, he said to them in the 44th verse, “be ye also ready” for that hour in Matthew 25:1-3, he speaks of those who are ready and those who are not and verse 10 says, “they that were ready went in with him and the door was shut.” They that were not ready did not get in and so verse 13 tells us to watch for all the signs of things to come to pass. Well, you are ready because of I Thessalonians 5:1-6. If we study our bible as God tells us to in II Timothy 2:15, we know the times and seasons are not asleep, but are watching, then we are ready and doing the job given unto us as in Matthew 24:45-46, giving them meat in due season message.
“Come out of Her My People”
What is the meat in due season message? It is the warning message for the last days in Revelation 14:9-12, “if any man worships the beast and his image, the same shall drink of the wrath of God.” This is God’s word to his saints so we must know about the beast and his image. We know that in Daniel’s prophecy there were four beasts and Daniel 7:17 says, “These great beasts are kings” or kingdoms. The vision Daniel had is in Daniel 7:2-8, “the first was like a lion, a second was like a bear, the third like a leopard and the fourth was dreadful and terrible and had 10 horns.”

Now we have four kingdoms to rule over the earth and because Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, had a dream in Daniel 2:31-36 and unto Daniel was given, by the God in heaven, the interpretation found in verses 37-45, we have the first kingdom of Babylon, the second kingdom of Media Persia as we read in Daniel 8:20, the third kingdom of Greece in Daniel 8:21 and the fourth kingdom of Rome as all the history books bear witness. The fifth or last kingdom will be the coming of the Lord to set-up to set-up His rule over the earth and will be the everlasting kingdom shown in Daniel 7:27. Now remember, the fourth beast had 10 horns or kings in Daniel 7:8 and 20, but another horn came up and destroyed three of the original 10, “plucked up by the roots” and this king had eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things, verse8, and what he would speak was “great things against the most high,” against God; “and would think to change times and laws” or the law of God, verse 25. this power would be the enemy of the saints of god and would war( by false doctrine) with the saints, from the day it came to power by destroying the tree kings until the saints are gathered into the kingdom of Christ at His coming. See verse 21 and 22.

This power or horn which came up was the papacy in Rome. There were ten kingdoms in the latter days of the Roman Empire and three were destroyed when the papacy came to power in verses 23 and 24, and certainly fulfilled verse 25, changing times and laws. It corrupted the Sabbath of God with Sunday worship, changed the birth of Christ to Christmas, changed the only sign given (three days and three nights in the grave) of the death and resurrection of Christ to Easter worship, corrupted the forgiveness of sins by Christ with priests, claimed the Pope as representative of Christ and can do these things, and corrupted the nations with wealth and power.
If we read Revelation 13:1-8, we find references to the same beast, the lion, bear, leopard and the beast with seven heads and ten horns. Also we read, “The dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” (verse3) The entire world worshiped the dragon and the beast (verse7 and 8). This dragon is the devil (see Revelation 20:2). This beast upon his head was the name of blasphemy (Revelation 13:1)

“blasphemed against God, and made war with the saints.” (Verse 6 and 7)
In Revelation 17:3, we read that a woman (church) sat upon this beast with seven heads and ten horns and “was drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus”. (verse6) God spoke of her as “the great whore that sitteth upon many waters (verse1) and verse15 tells us that waters are people and nations.
This woman (church) is also called, “Mystery, Babylon the great, and the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.” (verse5) these verses refer to the Church of Rome which controls the beast. The beast (verse11) that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven in the prophetic history of the beast under the papacy. The papacy was in control until the year 1798 when the pope was taken prisoner by the French army and his deadly wound was healed in the year 1929, when Italy’s Mussolini restored his dominion over the Vatican City. (See Revelation 13:3)
Now we have the power of the woman (church) which rode the beast, restored, but the Roman Empire is no longer here to enforce here rule. However, the devil who continues to make war with the saints who “keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ (Revelation12:17), will have his way. For in Revelations 13:11-17, we find another beast with “two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon (devil). “He exercised all the power of the first beast” and causeth the world to worship the power whose deadly wound was healed (verse12). He deceiveth the world by wonders and miracles as in verse13 and causes the world to make an image of the first beast as in verse 14. His power will give life to the image.
Notice that all of the beast introduced in prophecy come up out of the sea, or from among the peoples nations and tongues. Rev. 17:15, But this beast comes up out of the earth. Quite a contrast indeed. Now notice in the previous chapter of Revelation, and last verse(Rev. 12:17), that the EARTH helped the woman, after the period of 1260 years persecution by the beast and the dragon. This was the discovery of the new continent of NORTH AMERICA, and the establishment there of a nation, of freedom of worship, the U.S.A.
Notice that all of the beast introduced in prophecy come up out of the sea, or from among the peoples nations and tongues. Rev. 17:15, But this beast comes up out of the earth. Quite a contrast indeed. Now notice in the previous chapter of Revelation, and last verse(Rev. 12:17), that the EARTH helped the woman, after the period of 1260 years persecution by the beast and the dragon. This was the discovery of the new continent of NORTH AMERICA, and the establishment there of a nation, of freedom of worship, the U.S.A.
When life is given to this image, the beast will cause as many as would not worship this power of Satan to be killed (verse15) and no man will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. What is that mark? Revelation14:9, calls it his mark or the devil’s mark for he is the power behind all this. In verse 11, it is called the mark of his name. Revelation13:16-17. Also says the mark of the name and the number of his name, which verse 18 says is 666. The mark we well know, also the name and the number when the time comes, because Revelation 20; 4 shows us the children of God did not receive his mark. God’s servants have the seal of God we read in Revelation7:3, 9 and 14. This seal is the father’s name (Revelation14:1 and Revelation 22:4). This was promised in Revelation 3:12.
This is the third angel’s message that is warning to the whole world. Warning us not to worship the beast and his image and not receive his mark (Revelation 14:9-12), for God hath judged the great whore (Revelation19:2) and when Christ comes as “King of Kings, and lord of lords” verse 16, against the beast, the kings and their armies (verse19), “the beast was taken and with him the false prophet, that wrought miracles before him, with which he had deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image were cast into the lake of fire.” (verse20) But the righteous who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark lived and reined with Christ a thousand years (Revelation20:4).
Remember Revelation1:1-3, “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of the prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein; for the time is at hand.”