The Last Generation
“Revealing Truth to the Nation”John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Lesson 1
The Importance of Sound DoctrineScripture Reading: 2 Timothy 4
Memory Verse Joshua 24:14
“Revealing Truth to the Nation”John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Lesson 1
The Importance of Sound DoctrineScripture Reading: 2 Timothy 4
Memory Verse Joshua 24:14
The word “Doctrine” comes from the Greek word “Didache” meaning that which is taught or simply a “teaching”
1. Does it make any difference what we believe? Act 18: 24-26 Apollos preaches at Ephesus an eloquent man, mighty in the scriptures, yet Aquila and Priscilla took him and expounded unto him the way of God More perfectly. Romans 10:13-17.
2. Were the believers in the early church particular about what they believed? Acts 17:11 Bereans searched the scriptures daily
3. How may we determine the truthfulness of any doctrine . 1 Thessalonians 5: 21; Isaiah 8: 20.*
4. What was Jesus ‘s admonition regarding what we believe ? John 5: 39
5. Discuss Acts 20: 26-32
6. Is it important that the doctrines we believe are scripturlly sound ? Romans 6: 17-18; 1 Timothy 6: 3-5; Titus 1:9 (the duty of a Elder)
7. Discuss Isaiah 4: 1*
8. Upon what foundation should every religious tenet rest? Ephesians 2: 20; 1 Corinthians 3: 11*
9. Look at these text (Timothy & Titus)
Profitable for doctrine 2 Timothy 3: 16————give attendance…… to doctrine 1 Timothy 4: 13,16; 2 Timothy 4: 1,2
10. Why is this duty so imperative? Vs 3, 4 Titus— speak… sound doctrine Titus 2: 1,7.
11. Who are the disciples of Jesus, and what gracious work is wrought for them? John 8: 31, 32
12. Can we close our ears to the truth? Proverbs 28:9
13. To whom will the Lord reveal his will, and lead them into the light? John 7:17; Psalm 25: 9; John 8:12.
14. To Whom will the gates of the Heavenly city be opened ? Isaiah 26: 22 which keepth the truth . Revelation 22: 14.
15. Are we at liberty to believe only certain portions of the bible and can w e add doctrines that are not in the bible Deut 4:2; Revelation 222: 14
16. How is the true church described Eph 5: 25-27; Revelation 19: 7-9.
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The Soldier of Truth
The Soldier of Truth
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