Antigua WI

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

Daniel 2:28
God reveals the interpretation of the king's dream to Daniel.

Daniel 2:36-38
The prophetic timelines of the kingdoms begins with Nebuchadnezzar. God had given him Dominion and rulership over the whole earth. However, we still need to bear in mind that the Neo-Babylonish Kingdom started with the rulership of Nebuchadnezzar's father.

Daniel 2: 39-40
Please note that these revelations were revealed during the early part of Nebuchadnezzar reign, in fact, the bible says it was the second year of his reign as King of Babylon. 603 B.C
The kingdom of Babylon came to an end in 538 B.C. under the rulership of Nebuchadnezzar's grandson Belshazzar. This ushered in the Medo-Persian Empire followed by the Grecian Empire under the leadership of the famous King Alexander the Great who conquered the world at age 32. After this, we see the fourth kingdom of Iron in verse 40 represented by Rome when the Caesars ruled the earth which went up to the days of Christ. Rome ruled unbroken until 395 A.D. when Theodosis died and divided the empire between his two sons which represent the two legs of the Gentile Man, east and west Rome. Some years later it was divided into 10 divisions.

Daniel 2:42-45
We see the image of Rome present here but it is weakened by clay. One can see the conditions as they are now in our present time that the nations are separated and broken apart. These people have been engaged in the worst wars of the world's history which is in harmony with this prophecy. We can expect upheavals at different times during the remaining years of this dispensation.

Daniel 2:34,35,44,45 Luke 21:25-31
The time of iron and clay will be concluded with perplexities and signs in the heavens and on the earth according to Luke chapter 21. These signs will mark the time of the establishment of the 5th and last kingdom according to verse 45 of Daniel 2. This is the Kingdom restored to Israel at the return of the Messiah to be King. Revelations 11:15, the Nation of Israel is a vanguard of this Kingdom.

The Soldier of Truth

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